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Privacy Policy in accordance with Art. 13 – 14 Reg. EU/679/2016

Relating to the Processing of Personal Data of Users who consult the website

Cookies Policy

This notice, prepared in accordance with Leg. 196/2003 and Reg. EU/679/2016 is intended for Data Subjects browsing the “Belair” website( The validity of this Policy does not extend to other websites of Third Parties, which may be consulted by hyperlink, it is also subject to updates; Users are therefore invited to check its content periodically.

  1. Identifying data.

The data controller is: Belladonna S.r.l. with registered office in Montecorvino Pugliano (84090 – SA), V.le G. Verdi 10

The Data Processor is:

  1. Place of Processing.

Processing related to the web services of this site takes place at:

  1. Type of data processed.

Processing may involve the following types of data.

Navigation Data.

The computer systems responsible for the operation of the Site acquire, in the course of their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols, this is information that is not collected to identify the interested parties but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the User connecting to the Site, the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) notation addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, and other parameters related to the User’s operating system and computer environment.

The data, thus collected, could be used to ascertain liability in the event of any computer crimes against the Site.

Data provided directly by the User.

These are the data voluntarily provided by the User through the forms in the different sections of the site and transmitted telematically or through an email (for example, to ask for information or clarification).

  1. Nature of Data Provision.

The provision of navigation data is necessary to give effect to computer and telematic protocols; the provision of personal data by users is free and optional and at the sole discretion of the User who decides to register for the site, the event or who sends an email to request information.

  1. Purpose of Processing.

Browsing data is intended to enable the use of the site itself.

Data collected as a result of user interaction (through forms or emails) are used by the co-owners to acknowledge user requests and to provide communications and information.

  1. Mode and Duration of Treatment.

The data collected in the manner indicated above are processed through computer and telematic procedures, in accordance with the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency as provided for in EU Regulation/2016/679, the data will not be excessive and stored for the period of time necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

Data of a technical nature, are processed and stored in accordance with the security measures provided for in the aforementioned Regulations for the time strictly necessary for the provision of the service.

The data voluntarily provided by the user will be processed and stored in compliance with the security measures provided for in the aforementioned Regulations for the time strictly necessary for the provision of the services provided for the purposes of paragraph 5.

  1. Communication and Outreach.

The data collected in the above manner will not be disseminated, sold or exchanged with third parties without the express consent of the data subject, except for possible communication to specifically identified and authorized Third Parties (such as IT support companies and hosting companies) where necessary for the purposes set forth in this notice. The data may in any case be communicated to the competent authorities, according to the terms of the law.

  1. Rights of the Interested Party.

The data subject may at any time exercise the rights provided for in Articles 15 to 22 and Art. 34 of Reg. EU/679/2016; in particular, he/she may request access to personal data, rectification or erasure, restriction of processing, opposition to processing, and the right to portability of data concerning him/her.

In addition, the data subject may at any time exercise the right to revoke the consent given for one or more purposes without thereby affecting the lawfulness of the processing, based on the consent given before revocation.

Requests should be addressed to: Belladonna S.r.l . with registered office in Montecorvino Pugliano (84090 – SA),V.le G. Verdi 10 at the following address:

An updated list of the Responsible Persons, appointed by the Owner pursuant to Art. 28 Reg. EU/2016/679 is available at the registered office of the Joint Data Controllers; through the contact details above, the User may request a list of the appointed Data Controllers.

Cookie Policy

  1. What are cookies.

A “cookie” is a short text file created on the user’s computer when the user accesses a particular site for the purpose of storing and transporting information. Cookies are sent from a web server (i.e., the computer on which the visited website is running) to the user’s browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) and stored on the user’s computer; they are, then, sent back to the website during subsequent visits.

In the course of browsing, the user may also receive cookies from different sites (so-called “third-party” cookies) on his/her terminal, set directly by the operators of said websites and used for the purposes and in the manner defined by them.

  1. Types of cookies used by this site

The Site uses only technical cookies to ensure and facilitate the navigation and enjoyment of the website and to collect information, in aggregate form, about visits to the Site, with respect to which no consent is required from the data subject under current regulations. Third-party cookies are also used for profiling purposes. No personal data of users is acquired by the site in this regard. No use is made of cookies for the transmission of information of a personal nature, nor are so-called persistent cookies of any kind, or systems for tracking users, used.

The use of so-called session cookies (which are not stored persistently on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to enable the safe and efficient exploration of the site. The so-called session cookies used on this site avoid the use of other computer techniques potentially prejudicial to the privacy of users’ browsing and do not allow the acquisition of personal data identifying the user. More specifically, the Site uses:

  1. Third-party cookies.

Some third-party cookies, including profiling cookies, are installed through the Site and are activated by clicking “ok” on the banner. Individual third-party cookies are detailed below, as well as links through which the user can receive more information and request deactivation of cookies.

  1. Google Analytics

The Site uses Google Analytics for purely statistical purposes. This is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”) which uses cookies, which are deposited on the user’s computer to allow statistical analysis in aggregate form regarding the use of the website visited; it is also pointed out that in addition to cookies, a pixel tag is also used by Google(see the information).

Google uses the personal data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Application, compiling reports, and sharing them with other services developed by Google. This Site, like all those made in Kali, disables sharing with other services developed by Google. Google may use personal data to contextualize and personalize ads in its ad network.

This Google Analytics integration anonymizes your IP address.

Anonymization works by abbreviating within the borders of European Union Member States or other countries that are members of the European Economic Area agreement the IP address of Users. Only in exceptional cases will the IP address be sent to Google’s servers and abbreviated within the United States(see disclosure).

As expressly indicated by the Privacy Guarantor with the “Clarifications regarding the implementation of the legislation on cookies” of June 5, 2015, sites that use, for mere statistical purposes, analytical cookies made and made available by third parties are not subject to the obligations and fulfillments provided for by the legislation (notification to the Guarantor in primis) if suitable tools are adopted to reduce the identifying power of the analytical cookies they use (e.g, through the masking of significant portions of the IP address) and provided that the use of such cookies is subject to contractual constraints between sites and third parties, in which express reference is made to the third party’s commitment either to use them exclusively for the provision of the service, to store them separately and not to “enrich” or “cross-reference” them with other information they have.

The Owner of this Site, as stated above, has decided to make use of the feature of anonymization of users’ IPs provided by Google and has accepted the Data Processing Amendment (Google Analytics Data Processing Amendment v20130906) made available by Google Analytics in compliance with Directive 95/46/EC, whereby Google agrees to process the data according to the Client’s – Site Owner’s requests and not to share it with other additional services unless the Client requests it, through the service settings. On the point, the user is informed that the Owner of this Site has not linked Google Analytics to any additional services and that no advertising or data sharing option has been activated with Google. In light of the measures taken, the Google Analytics service, used by this Site for purely statistical purposes, is activated upon landing, requiring no consent from the user to issue the relevant cookies. Download the browser add-on for deactivating Google Analytics.

B2. Social Network Buttons and Widgets

Social buttons are those special “buttons” on the Site that depict social network icons (e.g., Facebook and Twitter) and allow users who are browsing to interact with a “click” directly with social platforms. Through the use of these buttons, therefore, no third-party cookies are installed. However, links are provided where the user can view the privacy policy regarding data management by the Social to which the buttons refer.

Except for the technical cookies strictly necessary for normal navigation, the provision of data is left to the will of the interested party who decides to browse the Site after having read the brief information contained in the appropriate banner.

The data subject can therefore avoid the installation of cookies by keeping the banner (thus refraining from closing it by clicking on the “ok” button), as well as through the appropriate functions available on his or her browser.

  1. Disabling cookies

Notwithstanding the above regarding cookies strictly necessary for browsing, the user may delete other cookies through the functionality made available for this purpose by the Controller through this policy or directly through his or her browser. Each browser has different procedures for managing settings. The user can obtain specific instructions through the links below.

Deactivation of third-party cookies is also possible through the methods made available directly by the third-party company that owns said processing, as indicated at the links provided in the “third-party cookies” section.

Please note: Disabling all or part of technical cookies may affect the use of Site features reserved for registered users. On the contrary, the usability of public content is also possible by completely disabling cookies.

4. Rights of the Data Subject.

The data subject may at any time exercise the rights provided for in Articles 15 to 22 and Art. 34 of Reg. EU/679/2016; in particular, he/she may request access to personal data, rectification or erasure, restriction of processing, opposition to processing, and the right to portability of data concerning him/her.

In addition, the data subject may at any time exercise the right to revoke the consent given for one or more purposes without thereby affecting the lawfulness of the processing, based on the consent given before revocation.

Requests should be addressed to: Belladonna S.r.l . with registered office in Montecorvino Pugliano (84090 – SA), V.le G. Verdi 10 at the following address:

An updated list of the Responsible Persons, appointed by the Owner pursuant to Art. 28 Reg. EU/2016/679 is available at the registered office of the Joint Data Controllers; through the contact details above, the User may request a list of the appointed Data Controllers.

Please consult this page periodically and carefully in order to check for any updates or revisions that may be necessary also in order to implement and/or comply with national, EU, international regulations or to adapt to intervening technological innovations.

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